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How To Choose The Best Material For An Abaya November 15, 2020
Abaya dresses, there's more to them than meets the eye October 16, 2020
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How To Choose The Best Material For An Abaya
by Arabian Boutique onIn this guide we will help you choose the best fabric for your Abaya depending on the occasion. Abayas come in various different fabrics, Nidha ( a special polyester) all the way to Denim or Cotton, the fabric variety is just as much as the individual and circumstance for wearing one. First we start with a winter warming blue velvet abaya. A velvet... -
Abaya dresses, there's more to them than meets the eye
by Arabian Boutique onAbayas, like the women who wear them, have come a long way as each generation adds its own elements to the time-honored 4,000 year-old garment. The long, flowing abaya dress these days is as much about style as it is about tradition; as much about expression as it is about religion; as much about accentuation as it is about suppression; and as much about...